Part 1
Climate Theory
“You’ve seen her strip-mined
You’ve heard of bombs exploded underground
You know the sunshines
Hotter than ever before.
Mother of us all
Place of our birth
We all are witness
To the rape of the world...”
Steve Benson
The World
The world needs poetry Because
Of Climate changes
Because rich people have too much
And poor people have too little
Money and power
We are all living it On the brink or
Or on the blink Very hard
To reconcile We fear we will
Collapse in grief Explode
With rage Lose our bodies’ ground
Adjusting To knowing
How little we can save ourselves
much less the rest of the world
we seek to love
Fear interferes
with compassion
and imaginative vision
Fear stoked enough precipitates rage
Walls, Dehumanization, Hatred, Violence
Violence, hatred, dehumanization, walls
while the internet has turned us
into crazed or faulty robots
"Change" has spread right through us
increasingly, i am enraged at all the plastic
i must buy along with the food and tools i buy
at any store but a boutique reeking
of bourgeois evasions
there is no way out of complicity with
this sabotaging of our children's children's
and their friends' friends around the world
health and sanity
if only i didn't lose things, i wouldn't
have to replace them right and left
but i can't figure out where they went
why the cursor jumps up a few lines
and continues to keyboard there. is it trying
to be a language poet? it doesn't accept discipline
it doesn't theorize, it doesn't get product to market
don't change the subject
everything distracts me
anything is refuge from my howling rage
where did i put that poem
i was hoping or trying to write
i read articles and papers about the psychology of facing climate change
look at photographs of people i find beautiful and imagine them
as real
as i read other articles and papers about mental health in palestine
and now ukraine
until i can't bear to read any longer or write or listen to words
i can barely hear music
what is this?
just writing down what words represent as thoughts and feelings
articifial intelligence is spelled AI no need to spell
dehumanized humanity itself
people are dispensible
every day of this [madness] costs lives
causes harrowing grief
switches tracks to illness, trauma, brutalities
i get sick of feeling taken up with information about these things
an illness not yet in shrink-raps
at some point
i can't read online
We must not any longer do
that which we have always been doing
the climate catastrophe well underway displaces humans from their homes -
a few here from a tornado or hurricane - a few more there from flooding -
quite a few then from fires - but already massive migrations desperate to survive
conditions that frustrate agriculture and hunting practices people have relied on
for generations. there will be
loss of the nature and recognizability of ecosystem environments that humans
and birds and newts, whales and otters, bees and squirrels
have depended on as long as any can recall - our homes
currently threatened, whether cognitively observed or just felt
in the bones, these displacements constitute a genocide
against living beings, including humans and trees and mosses
that kill us
Try prosecuting Shell and Chevron over this
The horror and the terror must
affect everyone human at least for sure
leading to unforeseeable dynamic acceleration of the onsets
of severe mental illness and behavioral disregulation,
much of which is likely to be violent, coercive, and occasion
further loss, grief, and hideous demise, undercutting
capacity to care to share
To live with that is to be at risk perpetually night and day
of the central nervous system's sympathetic response demands
Please plan ahead not to go mad, to suicide, to vandalize,
or get yourself addicted to something to relieve you
of any actionable acknowledgement and analysis
what's happening in and around each and all of us
what patience will we need to find while changing everything
to meet changes underway where they're at
When the ground is no longer recognizable,
but known to be lost, irrecoverable, nowhere,
how will we ground ourselves?
Put that in your artificial intelligence and smoke it