Maria Damon & Alan Sondheim, Poem
Annus Mirabilis
In the year before the A.M. we were all asleep in the green of
Deep Lorca and his oranges and crackling blueness and
The sky's arc in marvelous tension
The sky's arc which cut the moon
The sky’s ark rode in search of the moon
A slice of orange a dull sheen on a Pontiac fender
The moon was a real slice of lemon pointing
The soft vowels of the birds begin each Capital line
The swallows in their linen nests their lined nexts
The noisy slippers of the dawn are heard like concave bells
And capitols dissolve the differentials of illicit curves
Maria, the derivation of the annular ring, the union swiftly annulled
Burrows beneath inconceivable thuds, barrows in unexpected fields
Buried beneath poetics fronds and tendrils push them aside
AND THAT THE monstrous the how-i-want-you tendrils In In asleep the of year before before
fronds were blue oranges A.M. we we A.M. Garcia Lorca were asleep in his next // text
asleep and his all and and sliced and Buried the oranges blued and the and The
breakage of which sky's arc cut /// cut The arc which which a A sky's the green
moon moon the orange the slice of of a sheen on orange dull dull curve cave
dull //// The Pontiac a a a a of soft Buried fender The soft a the each blurred
vowels of the of Capital Capital $$ begin each begin dawn noisy of test
line The The fender the the slippers of of noisy heard like the are arm
are are am capitols And dawn bells bells bells ///// of the dull capitols
dissolve the bells. illicit derivation differentials of illicit of corvid of
derivation derivation O illicit Maria, the Maria Mirabile, beneath O annular
of of the like ////// beneath ring Burrows Burrows annular Buried the ark
beneath thuds thuds thuds of poetics deprived inconceivable the
inconceivable the the land's end and /////// differentials of fronts
and beneath tendrils beneath tendrils asleep in the year A.M.
the barrows the barrens the swollen hollow next linen text cave
O Maria!
Yes! Annealed!
What the Thinder Sed:
"barca dulannularca orca moncorca dullicia aslicia Burrearcia
beforcia ria depria Theepria Buria Ponceivatia poetia aslentia
contia montia currontia eac Theac theac neac coreeneac neneac
ineac begineac aslineac oreac oncoreac yeac orciac bariac
Poncondriac curiac corc whiced liced dulliced inced aslinced
breentionced monced moonced fronced bleenstronced Burrearied
yearied annularied curreendried deried lipperied weried
orableepried mooncoreepried grendered illippered gred rivablued
arcaved inceived Burived holved arcapitolved swolved oncorved
Burved blurved Lorvid moncorvid Burvid curvid Mirannuland sheend
theend asleend arreend dullend aslenend ond tentiond mond moond
ard Gard Mard eard teneard annulard whice moonce neneakage
derineneakage dulareakage yeakage ange dulange lannulange inge
allike bellike Lorabillike Capitollike swollike annullike aslike
ble Lorable deprivable ile beforcitalle endrillowelle vowelle
noissolliceivabille barille earille capitolle swolle sle ne bene
orabilene enene asline eare dulare beforannulare bre dere
Pondere differe lippere vowere gre Garre larre Burre orablue
barcave orcave whiceive onceive asleeprive Burive whissolve
beforcitolve Capitolve swolve orve Lorve corve inconcorve
beforve Burve blurve Burrowe vowe sof whissof noissof ang dulang
vow-i-wannulang Ponstrow-i-wang vow-i-wang landeprilling heach
Theach sheach begineach dereach yeach deriach depriach hich lich
aslich corableeprivatich antich vow-i-wantich frontich th eath
neath yeath onceivath lipperivatheark dulark orcial rial barial
hicital Lorcitall holl hissoll whicitoll Capitoll capitoll Marm
annularrenearm larm dularm annularm bleen Andrilleen oncoreen
diffen allipperivablen tenendrivabilen nen benen inen differen
gren arren Andrin endrin derin werin vowerin aslendeprin
wereentialleeprin asleeprin Pon incon dulantion mon fron testron
dep Andep frow-i-wandep testrondep Theeprivabileep wereep
beforeep arreep ar Gar Thear vow-i-wannular der Ander dulander
fronder fer aslipper wer vower theaticiac's ariac's And's and's
ond's mond's sheakage's asle's Mirablue's sheends's tenst's hics
whics lics slics aslics incontics yeationtics moontics Ands ands
how-i-wands capitollow-i-wands Theends theends blurivatheends
aslends nends condrilenends ferends monds eakages theakages
neakages bleneakages belleneakages vow-i-wanges inges linges tes
dis whis nois als endrials beforcitals bels wels Maringestrowels
ils beginendrivabils sleeprils Burils alls swolls hols sols
benstronceivaticitalls bellowells Burrowells whissols whicitols
swols ens nens enens inens dulantioncons nentions mons frons
Burrons moonstrons ders fers lippers vow-i-wandeprillippers
aslippers wers dissollowers lants Mirants Lorants hissollow-
i-wants ents Theents diffents nents Ponts monts frous angestrous
testrous moonstrous monstronstrous lant-yous dulant-yous
bent-yous Lorent-yous ont-yous aslinconstront-yous wellowellows
illows dullows annullows Mirannullows frows nenstrows dissoft
whissoft noissoft moonticit barcit orcit Capit capit orcapit
sheakagest angest enst onst const moonst fronst Burronconstronst
breenext nenext brenext barrenext tenext inext linext allinext
aslinext derinext frou Marrou Burrou currou begingestrou ant-you
Mirant-you dullow-i-want-you vow-i-want-you grent-you Andrillow
frow currow onstrow sky disy whisy"
Whimsy dizzy what? No barcodes for you, little idiosink metabolic jerky-deck.
Struck out freeko blinks, but mind the buffalos.
Welcome to heaven now put on your blue suede shoes
Each page in rage annealed and revealed
Bequeath me beneath me breathe breathe in grief grief
Unfoundered upright briganded come-what-may
in May and usurious frequencies stranger interpolations with a
cut-crystal ballroom dancer frenzy. to aid or not to aid, that is the
badinage that cuts both ways. to band or to bathe, that is the crux of the cruisaid.
to barter or to bother, let me in where you will, your will be done in my bones and
veins. Odd grains against the times, the tree. Veritas in viriditas. Maniac in the boardwalk challenges.
I grunt you three witches but make it snubby.
Whimsy fizzled, hut? enchanted jodies to the moon.
Whoa! Star bodes lore, few spittle blink hyperbolic turkey wake.
Pluck, shout! Trees flow, sink, what blank? Winded tomatoes whlile
Hell comes to gilded Leavenworth lily, snow slut in your too frayed blues the end!
O Maria! Every moment sinks as I lean on you, your words and works entrance
While Cacoethes Scribend while we send time! I drop these words into the room:
itch voting, what crutches to we have while hutches slave against the salve's vales.
Perverbial imp rides forth at break of throbbing day may have had some drugs in the house.
"The itch vote carries the state of Georgia on its back" then drops into the mass of the Won One.
For votes and voters are a singularity, HIM, HYMN too, One God for all, one Cathedra!
We are on a precipice, permitted to make new languages
as long as we don't pray for the death of Presidents.
What else to add? Benjamin on the brink of Spain and elsewhere,
Celan, Aquin blood red descendent.
Angel Ancel Incel uncommonly sanguent.
The sky's arc which cut the moon
The sky’s ark rode in search of the moon
The sky's arc which cut the moon
The sky’s ark rode in search of the moon
The sky's arc which cut the moon
The red sky’s ark red red in the search of the moon
The red sky ark, in seach of moon, carrying oranges
Carrying us, to band or to bathe, will done in veins
Bones of ark, arc of bones
One or more Cathedra
Spells for vespers
Ribcage for lauds
Sext for angels
How far the throne, how far the throwing