Bearing in Mind: Notes on "Tendril," by Bin Ramke (published Oct. 1, 2009)

Special Guest Reviewer Cynthia Hogue examines Ramke’s 2007 poetry collection (Omnidawn). First published October 1, 2009, on Chant de la Sirene, the Blog, Hogue begins:

One might never think that Bin Ramke’s Tendril(Omnidawn 2007)—built on a careful investigation of the history of the bicameral mind (or schizophrenia), mathematical logic, Greek prosody, and metonymically, etymologically lyric poetry—is haunted by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which arrived over the course of a month (this month, as it happens, for I am writing in late September), making landfall within a few hundred miles of each other….

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Laura Hinton